Fortnite Save The World Database
Miniboss V-Bucks Missions
C V-Bucks 70 V-Bucks 35x V-Bucks
Missions Expire : 2025-01-26 00:00:00
Honorable Rewards


Stonewood Plankerton Canny Twine Ventures


Mythic Legendary Epic Rare Uncommon Common

Order By

Power Level


Survivors Leaders/Manager Hero Upgrade Llama Mini Llama Schematics Ranged Schematics Melee Schematics Trap Schematics
V Judge 108 Judge Judge
V Tar Pit 108 Tar Pit Tar Pit
V Nailer 108 Nailer Nailer
V Power B.A.S.E. Knox 108 Power B.A.S.E. Knox Power B.A.S.E. Knox
V Marathon Hype 108 Marathon Hype Marathon Hype
V Deathwing 108 Deathwing Deathwing
V Vindertech Slammer 108 Vindertech Slammer Vindertech Slammer
V Vindertech Slammer 94 Vindertech Slammer Vindertech Slammer
V Nightclaw 82 Nightclaw Nightclaw
V Huskcleaver 82 Huskcleaver Huskcleaver
V Wall Lights 82 Wall Lights Wall Lights
V Vindertech Blazer 82 Vindertech Blazer Vindertech Blazer
V Sawtooth 58 Sawtooth Sawtooth
V Doomhammer 46 Doomhammer Doomhammer
V Survivor 140 Survivor Survivor
V Ceiling Drop Trap 108 Ceiling Drop Trap Ceiling Drop Trap
V Ceiling Electric Field 108 Ceiling Electric Field Ceiling Electric Field
V Socket Slugger 94 Socket Slugger Socket Slugger
V Vacuum Tube Axe 70 Vacuum Tube Axe Vacuum Tube Axe
V Survivor 70 Survivor Survivor
V Commando Spitfire 70 Commando Spitfire Commando Spitfire
V Survivor 58 Survivor Survivor
V Vindertech Burster 58 Vindertech Burster Vindertech Burster
V Broadside 58 Broadside Broadside
V Thrasher 15 Thrasher Thrasher
V Thunderbolt 15 Thunderbolt Thunderbolt
V Nightclaw 34 Nightclaw Nightclaw
V Survivor 34 Survivor Survivor
V Razor 23 Razor Razor
V Harvester Sarah 23 Harvester Sarah Harvester Sarah
V Breaching Bar 15 Breaching Bar Breaching Bar
V Wall Spikes 15 Wall Spikes Wall Spikes
V Shortblade Slicer 5 Shortblade Slicer Shortblade Slicer
V Upgrade Llama Token 70 Upgrade Llama Token Upgrade Llama Token
V Mini Reward Llama 23 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
T Survivor 140 Survivor Survivor
T Soldier 140 Soldier Soldier
T The Bear 132 The Bear The Bear
T Vanguard Southie 124 Vanguard Southie Vanguard Southie
T Wall Lights 124 Wall Lights Wall Lights
T Socket Slugger 108 Socket Slugger Socket Slugger
T Vindertech Pulsar 108 Vindertech Pulsar Vindertech Pulsar
T Sawtooth 100 Sawtooth Sawtooth
T Nightclaw 100 Nightclaw Nightclaw
T Survivor 100 Survivor Survivor
T Broadside 94 Broadside Broadside
T Backbreaker 94 Backbreaker Backbreaker
T Fortsville Slugger 3000 88 Fortsville Slugger 3000 Fortsville Slugger 3000
T Mr. Red 88 Mr. Red Mr. Red
T Zap Zapp 88 Zap Zapp Zap Zapp
T Vindertech Jolter 88 Vindertech Jolter Vindertech Jolter
T Wall Dynamo 76 Wall Dynamo Wall Dynamo
T Lightning Pistol 76 Lightning Pistol Lightning Pistol
T Ceiling Gas Trap 76 Ceiling Gas Trap Ceiling Gas Trap
T Pistol Defender 132 Pistol Defender Pistol Defender
T Sniper Defender 124 Sniper Defender Sniper Defender
T Survivor 116 Survivor Survivor
T Wall Dynamo 116 Wall Dynamo Wall Dynamo
T Viper 116 Viper Viper
T Survivor 94 Survivor Survivor
T Dragonfly 88 Dragonfly Dragonfly
T Deathstalker 82 Deathstalker Deathstalker
T Nailer 82 Nailer Nailer
T Explorer 82 Explorer Explorer
T Monsoon 76 Monsoon Monsoon
T Upgrade Llama Token 94 Upgrade Llama Token Upgrade Llama Token
C Triple Tap 70 Triple Tap Triple Tap
C Stabsworth the III 64 Stabsworth the III Stabsworth the III
C Tigerjaw 58 Tigerjaw Tigerjaw
C Husk Stomper 58 Husk Stomper Husk Stomper
C Vindertech Blaster 58 Vindertech Blaster Vindertech Blaster
C Tar Pit 58 Tar Pit Tar Pit
C Revenant's Wrath 52 Revenant's Wrath Revenant's Wrath
C Viper 46 Viper Viper
C Vacuum Tube Rifle 46 Vacuum Tube Rifle Vacuum Tube Rifle
C Socket Slugger 70 Socket Slugger Socket Slugger
C Zap Zapp 70 Zap Zapp Zap Zapp
C Judge 70 Judge Judge
C Revenant's Wrath 70 Revenant's Wrath Revenant's Wrath
C Anti-Air Trap 64 Anti-Air Trap Anti-Air Trap
C Terminator 64 Terminator Terminator
C Vacuum Tube Rifle 64 Vacuum Tube Rifle Vacuum Tube Rifle
C Tsunami 58 Tsunami Tsunami
C Nailer 58 Nailer Nailer
C Thunderbolt 58 Thunderbolt Thunderbolt
C Survivor 58 Survivor Survivor
C Wall Spikes 52 Wall Spikes Wall Spikes
C Scoped Dragonfly 52 Scoped Dragonfly Scoped Dragonfly
C Wall Darts 52 Wall Darts Wall Darts
C Vindertech Sever 46 Vindertech Sever Vindertech Sever
C Mini Reward Llama 70 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
C Mini Reward Llama 70 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
C Mini Reward Llama 58 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
C Mini Reward Llama 58 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
C Mini Reward Llama 46 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
C Mini Reward Llama 46 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
P Stabsworth the III 46 Stabsworth the III Stabsworth the III
P Slice n' Dice 23 Slice n' Dice Slice n' Dice
P Sound Wall 19 Sound Wall Sound Wall
P Anti-Air Trap 40 Anti-Air Trap Anti-Air Trap
P Riptide 40 Riptide Riptide
P Vacuum Tube Spear 34 Vacuum Tube Spear Vacuum Tube Spear
P Zapotron 34 Zapotron Zapotron
P Neon Scythe 28 Neon Scythe Neon Scythe
P Ceiling Zapper 28 Ceiling Zapper Ceiling Zapper
P Wall Lights 28 Wall Lights Wall Lights
P Helium Shotgun 23 Helium Shotgun Helium Shotgun
P Stinger 40 Stinger Stinger
P Thrasher 40 Thrasher Thrasher
P Stampede 34 Stampede Stampede
P Hammercrush 34 Hammercrush Hammercrush
P Survivor 34 Survivor Survivor
P Survivor 34 Survivor Survivor
P Reaver 28 Reaver Reaver
P Highlander 28 Highlander Highlander
P Martial Artist 28 Martial Artist Martial Artist
P Melee Defender 28 Melee Defender Melee Defender
P Highlander 28 Highlander Highlander
P Tar Pit 23 Tar Pit Tar Pit
P Hammercrush 23 Hammercrush Hammercrush
P Upgrade Llama Token 34 Upgrade Llama Token Upgrade Llama Token
P Mini Reward Llama 34 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
P Mini Reward Llama 23 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
S Hack Axe 9 Hack Axe Hack Axe
S Reaver 19 Reaver Reaver
S Breaching Bar 15 Breaching Bar Breaching Bar
S Stampede 15 Stampede Stampede
S Panther 5 Panther Panther
S Mini Reward Llama 15 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
V-Bucks Missions History
Last 7 Days
365 180.8 %
Last 30 Days
745 0 %
This Year
Alert Summary
Reward SW PT CV TP Total
V-Bucks V-Bucks 0 0 35 0 35
Perk up legendary Perk Up 0 0 123 947 1318
Perk up epic Perk Up 0 0 300 2056 2611
Perk up rare Perk Up 0 0 405 0 610
Perk up uncommon Perk Up 0 345 115 0 460
Re-perk RE-PERK! 0 385 175 1503 3327
Pure drops Pure drops 118 196 197 792 1748
Lightning Lightning 10 45 76 214 400
Eyes Eyes 0 12 29 280 458
Storm Shard Storm Shard 0 0 10 87 215
Tickets Tickets 654 1508 2670 6489 16360
Survivor Exp Surv XP 2K 0 16K 967K 1M
Hero Exp Hero XP 550 11K 16K 439K 817K
Schematic Exp Schematic XP 880 10K 61K 405K 504K
Fire Exp FIRE-UP! 0 790 1100 3880 8600
Frost Up FROST-UP! 0 650 800 3900 8200
Amp Up AMP-UP! 0 510 650 1970 5230
Weekly Supercharger
Trap Supercharger
Llama Rotation Llama Rotation

Save The World Store

Upgrade Llama
Super Ranged Llama
Mega Alerts


Fight the Storm 15 Pure Drop of Rain Pure Drop of Rain (x18)
Hero XP Hero XP (x4)
Fight the Storm 9 Survivor XP Survivor XP (x1100)
Schematic XP Schematic XP (x4)
Fight the Storm 5 Schematic XP Schematic XP (x880)
Hero XP Hero XP (x4)


Retrieve the Data 23 Pure Drop of Rain Pure Drop of Rain (x26)
Pure Drop of Rain Pure Drop of Rain (x4)
Retrieve the Data 19 Pure Drop of Rain Pure Drop of Rain (x20)
Pure Drop of Rain Pure Drop of Rain (x4)

Canny Valley

Fight Category 3 Storm 58 Vindertech Blaster Vindertech Blaster
Hero XP Hero XP (x4)
Retrieve the Data 52 Schematic XP Schematic XP (x26400)
Schematic XP Schematic XP (x4)
Repair the Shelter 46 Schematic XP Schematic XP (x21450)
Survivor XP Survivor XP (x4)
Fight Category 3 Storm 58 Vindertech Blaster Vindertech Blaster
Hero XP Hero XP (x4)
Retrieve the Data 52 Schematic XP Schematic XP (x26400)
Schematic XP Schematic XP (x4)
1 more active mission

Twine Peaks

Ride The Lightning 160 Lightning in a Bottle Lightning in a Bottle (x110)
Hero XP Hero XP (x5)
Repair the Shelter 140 Storm Shard Storm Shard (x28)
Ride The Lightning 132 Survivor XP Survivor XP (x283800)
Storm Shard Storm Shard (x4)
Fight Category 4 Storm 124 Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm (x53)
Survivor XP Survivor XP (x4)
Ride The Lightning 116 Epic PERK-UP! Epic PERK-UP! (x246)
Storm Shard Storm Shard (x4)
15 more active missions