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⚡ 1
Power Level
⚡ 140.87
Commander Level
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Collection Book
Days Logged
2020-06-04 15:39:06
Banner Update
1 second ago
19 minutes ago
Research Stats
Maxed Out
/ 4000000
Frostnite 2024
No record
Quest Indicators
Not completed
Ventures Quest Line
Shovel'n Snow
Destroy Snow Piles in a Boreal Base or Chilly Cove Frozen Fjords Venture zone (25)
Hedge Trimming
Destroy Bushes in a 15+ Chilly Cove Frozen Fjords Venture zone (40)
Outside the Box
Destroy Crates in a 23+ Boreal Base or Chilly Cove Frozen Fjords Venture zone (20)
Salvage Run
Destroy Piles of Trash in a 34+ Boreal Base or Chilly Cove Frozen Fjords Venture zone (25)
Shopping Spree
Destroy Store Shelves in a 46+ Chilly Cove Frozen Fjords Venture zone (25)
Wreck the Halls
Destroy Holiday Decorations in a 58+ Chilly Cove Frozen Fjords Venture zone (25)
Fishing for Trouble
Destroy Fishing Equipment in a 70+ Chilly Cove Frozen Fjords Venture zone (10)
Laundry Day
Destroy Washer/Dryers in a 82+ Boreal Base or Chilly Cove Frozen Fjords Venture zone (10)
Heat Seeker
Destroy Fire Sources in a 94+ Chilly Cove Frozen Fjords Venture zone (15)
Breaking Dishes
Destroy Satellite Dishes in a 108+ Boreal Base Frozen Fjords Venture zone (10)
Clean Up in Aisle 9
Destroy Cleaning Carts in a 124+ Boreal Base or Chilly Cove Frozen Fjords Venture zone (10)
Eclectic Electrics
Destroy Electrical Equipment in a 140+ Boreal Base or Chilly Cove Frozen Fjords Venture zone (15)
Survivor Savior 1
Rescue Survivors in a Frozen Fjords Venture zone (10)
Robber 1
Loot Safes or Treasure Chests in a 15+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (6)
Blu Hunter 1
Collect BluGlo in a 23+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (20)
I Hate Gardens 1
Destroy Garden Gnomes in a 34+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (10)
Radar 1
Build a Radar Tower in an 46+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (1)
Survivor Savior 2
Rescue Survivors in a 58+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (20)
Blu Hunter 2
Collect BluGlo in a 70+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (40)
Robber 2
Loot Safes or Treasure Chests in a 82+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (9)
I Hate Gardens 2
Destroy Garden Gnomes in a 94+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (20)
Radar 2
Build a Radar Tower in a 108+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (1)
Blu Hunter 3
Collect BluGlo in a 124+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (60)
Survivor Savior 3
Rescue Survivors in a 140+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (40)
Welcome to Venture!
Complete a mission in a Frozen Fjords Venture zone. (1)
War on the Storm 1
Complete a Fight the Storm mission in a Frozen Fjords Venture zone. (1)
Ride the Lightning
Complete 2 Ride the Lightning missions in a 15+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (2)
Storm Battles
Complete an Eliminate and Collect mission in a 23+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (1)
Complete a Destroy the Encampments mission in a 23+ Frosty Frozen Venture zone (1)
Supply Run
Complete a Build the Radar mission in a 46+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (1)
Complete a Resupply mission in a 46+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (1)
Mission Alert!
Complete Mission Alerts at any level in a Frozen Fjords Venture zone. (2)
War on the Storm 2
Complete a Fight the Storm Category 2 mission in a 58+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (1)
Search and Rescue
Complete an Evacuate the Shelter mission in a 70+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (1)
Complete a Rescue the Survivors mission in a 70+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (1)
Data Retrieval
Complete 2 Retrieve the Data missions in a 82+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (2)
War on the Storm 3
Complete a Fight the Storm Category 3 mission in a 94+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (1)
Team-Building Exercises
Complete a group mission in a 108+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (1)
War on the Storm 4
Complete a Fight the Storm Category 4 mission in a 124+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (1)
Eliminate: Husk Hunt
Eliminate Basic Husks in a Frozen Fjords Venture zone (300)
Eliminate Husky Husks in a Frozen Fjords Venture zone (25)
Eliminate: Small Problems
Eliminate Husklings in a 15+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (100)
Eliminate Beehive Husks in a 15+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (15)
Eliminate: Shield Breakers
Eliminate Shielders in a 23+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (50)
Eliminate: Tis the Season
Eliminate Santa 'Sploders in a 34+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (15)
Eliminate Mrs. Claus Lobbers in a 34+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (15)
Eliminate: They Came from the Mist
Eliminate Smashers in a 46+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (10)
Eliminate Takers in a 46+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (10)
Eliminate: Gunfighters
Eliminate Pitchers in a 58+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (60)
Eliminate Zappers in a 58+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (40)
Eliminate: Santa's Little Helpers
Eliminate Elf Husks in a 70+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (100)
Eliminate: Cut the Support
Eliminate Nurse Husks in a 82+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (15)
Eliminate Flingers in a 82+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (10)
Eliminate: Coal in the Stockings
Eliminate Krampus Smashers in a 94+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (10)
Eliminate: Elementary
Eliminate Fire Husks in a 108+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (100)
Eliminate Water Husks in a 108+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (100)
Eliminate Nature Husks in a 108+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (100)
Eliminate: Mist Madness
Eliminate Takers in a 124+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (20)
Eliminate Blasters in a 124+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (15)
Eliminate Smashers in a 124+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (10)
Eliminate: Mini-Boss
Eliminate a Mini-Boss in a 140+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (1)
Goin' Modern
Eliminate Husks with ranged weapons in a Frozen Fjords Venture zone. (300)
Goin' Medieval
Eliminate Husks with Melee weapons in a 15+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone. (200)
Armed and Dangerous
Eliminate Husks with pistols or SMGs in a 23+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone. (150)
Eliminate Husks with traps in a 34+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (100)
Eliminate Husks with a shotgun in a 46+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone. (150)
Eliminate Husks with a sniper rifle in a 58+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone. (75)
Use Their Head
Eliminate Husks with headshots in a 70+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (50)
Fireworks Display
Eliminate Husks with explosive ammo in a 82+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (50)
Gun Show
Eliminate Husks with a shotgun in a 94+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (100)
Eliminate enemies with a pistol or SMG in a 94+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (150)
Eliminate enemies with assault weapons in a 94+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (200)
Goin' More Medieval
Eliminate Husks with a sword, axe, or scythe in a 108+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (150)
Eliminate enemies with a club, hardware or spear in a 108+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone (150)
Super Powers
Eliminate Husks with Hero Abilities in a 124+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone. (250)
Take Your Pick
Eliminate Husks with a pickaxe in a 140+ Frozen Fjords Venture zone. (50)