Build Off 2: Reinforcement

Build Off 2: Reinforcement
Kyle and Penny's final build off! Let's build some more structures!
Build Level 2 Structures in successful missions in a 9+ zone
Hero experience

Kicking and Screaming

Main Quests
Dennis : Penny, Kyle, Ray...
Dennis : You may be wondering why I called you to the Homebase control center.
Penny : No.
Kyle : Not really.
Ray : I'm mostly wondering how.
Dennis : No time to explain this ring of keys I found.
Dennis : The Great Build Off ended in a tie, and the people cry out for closure.
Ray : That's news to me.
Dennis : Oh yeah. Like, all the time. The populace is distraught!
Ray : Dennis, man. The world's crawling with monsters. Some of us have things to do.
Dennis : Then, I declare a Sudden Death Build fight!
Dennis : Stone City rules. No holds barred!
Dennis : First builder to fifty level two walls wins.
Ray : I thought I'd get into the spirit of the competition, so I came up with a prize.
Ray : The winner of the Sudden Death build fight will be able to unlock Level Three Walls!
Ray : And, the winner is....
Ray : Penny!
Ray : And Kyle.
Ray : Another tie, ladies and gentleman. Level three walls for all who want them!
Dennis : I really need you to declare a winner here, Ray.
Ray : Sorry, my hands are tied.
Dennis : Okay.
Dennis : Uh, hey. On an unrelated note, if everyone in homebase comes looking for me...
Dennis : Saying things like how they want to break my thumbs and brutalize my kneecaps...
Dennis : Or that Dennis' Off-Zone betting is a scam, just tell them that I am very scared...
Ray : Dennis! Do not start a casino! I shouldn't have to say that!
Ray : This is how we get rules. You want rules?
Dennis : Everyone kind of agrees that I do best in a structured environment.
Dennis : It's like boundaries make me feel safe or something.
Ray : Fine.
Starting Dialogues
Ending Dialogues