Ventures Season 24 Rewards
Season ends on 2025-04-02
Rewards Summary
3330 Re-perk
2350 Seasonal gold
1050 Legendary perk up
500 Tickets
550 Epic perk up
345 Pure drop of rain
200 Legendary flux
185 Lightning in a bottle
100 Eye of the storm
30 Storm shard
15 Survivor Supercharger
3 Hero Supercharger
2 Trap Supercharger
2 Weapon Supercharger
2 Jackpot Llama
1 Hero Voucher
1 Weapon Voucher
1 Core RE-PERK!
Level - Mission unlock
10⚡ 23
11⚡ 34
15⚡ 46
20⚡ 58
23⚡ 70
28⚡ 82
31⚡ 94
34⚡ 108
39⚡ 124
43⚡ 140
Level 1-50 Rewards
Ventures Level Exp Required Reward
2 4550
150 Seasonal gold
3 9625
500 Tickets
4 15225
200 Seasonal gold
5 21700
1 Jackpot Llama
6 29075
200 Seasonal gold
7 37350
25 Pure drop of rain
8 46550
250 Seasonal gold
9 56700
40 Pure drop of rain
10 68175
1 Jackpot Llama
11 81000
180 Re-perk
12 95200
250 Seasonal gold
13 110775
1 Weapon Voucher
14 128350
50 Pure drop of rain
15 147100
35 Lightning in a bottle
16 166900
100 Legendary flux
17 187550
1 Core RE-PERK!
18 209875
225 Epic perk up
19 233100
300 Re-perk
20 257250
1 Hero Voucher
21 282275
500 Seasonal gold
22 309325
100 Legendary flux
23 337500
325 Epic perk up
24 366750
450 Re-perk
25 397100
1 Survivor Supercharger
26 429900
600 Re-perk
27 464025
100 Pure drop of rain
28 499475
1 Trap Supercharger
29 536275
60 Lightning in a bottle
30 576000
500 Seasonal gold
31 617350
2 Survivor Supercharger
32 660300
40 Eye of the storm
33 704875
450 Legendary perk up
34 753025
1 Hero Supercharger
35 803125
500 Seasonal gold
36 855175
130 Pure drop of rain
37 909200
3 Survivor Supercharger
38 967550
600 Re-perk
39 1028275
90 Lightning in a bottle
40 1091375
1 Weapon Supercharger
41 1156875
60 Eye of the storm
42 1227575
4 Survivor Supercharger
43 1301150
30 Storm shard
44 1377550
1 Hero Supercharger
45 1456775
1200 Re-perk
46 1542350
5 Survivor Supercharger
47 1631400
600 Legendary perk up
48 1723950
1 Trap Supercharger
49 1819950
1 Hero Supercharger
50 1919450
1 Weapon Supercharger
Repeatable Rewards
Ventures Level Reward
1200 Re-perk
140 Pure drop of rain
650 Seasonal gold
100 Lightning in a bottle
750 Epic perk up
80 Eye of the storm
1200 Re-perk
50 Storm shard
650 Seasonal gold
600 Legendary perk up

Quest Progression

Destroy: Water Reclamation (0 / 25) Destroy Fire Hydrants in a Flannel Falls Venture zone. 2175 Venture XP
Destroy: Hedge Trimming (0 / 40) Destroy Red Bushes in a 15+ Flannel Falls Venture zone. 2650 Venture XP
Destroy: Outside the Box (0 / 20) Destroy Crates in a 23+ Flannel Falls Venture zone. 3200 Venture XP
Destroy: Salvage Run (0 / 25) Destroy Piles of Trash in a 34+ Flannel Falls Venture zone. 3875 Venture XP
Destroy: Shopping Spree (0 / 25) Destroy Store Shelves in a 46+ Flannel Falls Venture zone. 4700 Venture XP
Destroy: Parks and Wreck (0 / 25) Destroy Playground Equipment in a 58+ Flannel Falls Venture zone. 5700 Venture XP
Destroy: Who Uses These Anymore? (0 / 10) Destroy Payphones in a 70+ Flannel Falls Venture City zone. 6900 Venture XP
Destroy: Laundry Day (0 / 10) Destroy Washer/Dryers in a 82+ Flannel Falls Venture zone. 8350 Venture XP
Destroy: Overworked (0 / 15) Destroy Cubicles in a 94+ Flannel Falls Venture zone. 10125 Venture XP
Destroy: Breaking Dishes (0 / 10) Destroy Satellite Dishes in a 108+ Flannel Falls Venture zone. 12275 Venture XP
Destroy: Clean Up in Aisle 9 (0 / 10) Destroy Cleaning Carts in a 124+ Flannel Falls Venture zone. 14850 Venture XP
1 Core RE-PERK!
Destroy: Pumping Iron (0 / 15) Destroy Gym Equipment in a 140+ Flannel Falls Venture zone. 18000 Venture XP
1 Trap Supercharger
Locating: Survivor Savior 1 (0 / 10) Rescue Survivors in a Flannel Falls Venture zone 2175 Venture XP
Locating: Robber 1 (0 / 6) Loot Safes or Treasure Chests in a 15+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 2650 Venture XP
Locating: Blu Hunter 1 (0 / 20) Collect BluGlo in a 23+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 3200 Venture XP
Locating: I Hate Gardens 1 (0 / 10) Destroy Garden Gnomes in a 34+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 3875 Venture XP
Locating: Radar 1 (0 / 1) Build a Radar Tower in an 46+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 4700 Venture XP
Locating: Survivor Savior 2 (0 / 20) Rescue Survivors in a 58+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 5700 Venture XP
Locating: Blu Hunter 2 (0 / 40) Collect BluGlo in a 70+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 6900 Venture XP
Locating: Robber 2 (0 / 9) Loot Safes or Treasure Chests in a 82+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 8350 Venture XP
Locating: I Hate Gardens 2 (0 / 20) Destroy Garden Gnomes in a 94+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 10125 Venture XP
Locating: Radar 2 (0 / 1) Build a Radar Tower in a 108+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 12275 Venture XP
Locating: Blu Hunter 3 (0 / 60) Collect BluGlo in a 124+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 14850 Venture XP
1 Core RE-PERK!
Locating: Survivor Savior 3 (0 / 40) Rescue Survivors in a 140+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 18000 Venture XP
1 Survivor Supercharger
Directive: Welcome to Venture! (0 / 1) Complete a mission in a Flannel Falls Venture zone. 2175 Venture XP
Directive: War on the Storm 1 (0 / 1) Complete a Fight the Storm mission in a Flannel Falls Venture zone. 2650 Venture XP
Directive: The Best Defense is a Great Defense (0 / 1) Complete a Retrieve the Data mission in a 15+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 3200 Venture XP
Directive: Storm Battles (0 / 1) Complete an Eliminate and Collect mission in a 23+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 3875 Venture XP
Directive: Supply Run (0 / 1) Complete a Build the Radar mission in a 46+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 4700 Venture XP
Directive: Mission Alert! (0 / 2) Complete Mission Alerts at any level in a Flannel Falls Venture zone. 5700 Venture XP
Directive: War on the Storm 2 (0 / 1) Complete a Fight the Storm Category 2 mission in a 58+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 6900 Venture XP
Directive: Search and Rescue (0 / 1) Complete an Evacuate the Shelter mission in a 70+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 8350 Venture XP
Directive: Bombing Run (0 / 1) Complete a Deliver the Bomb mission in a 82+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 10125 Venture XP
Directive: War on the Storm 3 (0 / 1) Complete a Fight the Storm Category 3 mission in a 94+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 12275 Venture XP
Directive: Team-Building Exercises (0 / 1) Complete a group mission in a 108+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 14850 Venture XP
1 Survivor Supercharger
Directive: War on the Storm 4 (0 / 1) Complete a Fight the Storm Category 4 mission in a 124+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 18000 Venture XP
1 Hero Supercharger
Eliminate: Husk Hunt (0 / 300) Eliminate Basic Husks in a Flannel Falls Venture zone 2175 Venture XP
Eliminate: Small Problems (0 / 100) Eliminate Husklings in a 15+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 2650 Venture XP
Eliminate: Shield Breakers (0 / 50) Eliminate Shielders in a 23+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 3200 Venture XP
Eliminate: Tis the Season (0 / 15) Eliminate Santa 'Sploders in a 34+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 3875 Venture XP
Eliminate: They Came from the Mist (0 / 10) Eliminate Smashers in a 46+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 4700 Venture XP
Eliminate: Gunfighters (0 / 60) Eliminate Pitchers in a 58+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 5700 Venture XP
Eliminate: Santa's Little Helpers (0 / 100) Eliminate Elf Husks in a 70+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 6900 Venture XP
Eliminate: Cut the Support (0 / 15) Eliminate Nurse Husks in a 82+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 8350 Venture XP
Eliminate: Coal in the Stockings (0 / 10) Eliminate Krampus Smashers in a 94+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 10125 Venture XP
Eliminate: Elementary (0 / 100) Eliminate Fire Husks in a 108+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 12275 Venture XP
1 Core RE-PERK!
Eliminate: Mist Madness (0 / 20) Eliminate Takers in a 124+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 14850 Venture XP
1 Weapon Supercharger
Eliminate: Mini-Boss (0 / 1) Eliminate a Mini-Boss in a 140+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 18000 Venture XP
1 Hero Supercharger
Weapons: Goin' Modern (0 / 300) Eliminate Husks with ranged weapons in a Flannel Falls Venture zone. 2175 Venture XP
Weapons: Goin' Medieval (0 / 200) Eliminate Husks with Melee weapons in a 15+ Flannel Falls Venture zone. 2650 Venture XP
Weapons: Armed and Dangerous (0 / 150) Eliminate Husks with pistols or SMGs in a 23+ Flannel Falls Venture zone. 3200 Venture XP
Weapons: Trappin' (0 / 100) Eliminate Husks with traps in a 34+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 3875 Venture XP
Weapons: Near (0 / 150) Eliminate Husks with a shotgun in a 46+ Flannel Falls Venture zone. 4700 Venture XP
Weapons: Far (0 / 75) Eliminate Husks with a sniper rifle in a 58+ Flannel Falls Venture zone. 5700 Venture XP
Weapons: Use Their Head (0 / 50) Eliminate Husks with headshots in a 70+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 6900 Venture XP
Weapons: Fireworks Display (0 / 50) Eliminate Husks with explosive ammo in a 82+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 8350 Venture XP
Weapons: Gun Show (0 / 100) Eliminate Husks with a shotgun in a 94+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 10125 Venture XP
Weapons: Goin' More Medieval (0 / 150) Eliminate Husks with a sword, axe, or scythe in a 108+ Flannel Falls Venture zone 12275 Venture XP
1 Core RE-PERK!
Weapons: Super Powers (0 / 250) Eliminate Husks with Hero Abilities in a 124+ Flannel Falls Venture zone. 14850 Venture XP
1 Hero Supercharger
Weapons: Take Your Pick (0 / 50) Eliminate Husks with a pickaxe in a 140+ Flannel Falls Venture zone. 18000 Venture XP
1 Weapon Supercharger